Tuesday, 30 May 2017

Connections are obvious, yet denied 3 & 4

The ABC  - terrorism and refrigerators

Last Week US academic Lawrence Krauss told his fellow ABC - Q&A panellists Islamic terrorism isn't as dangerous as a refrigerator:  "You're more likely to be killed by a refrigerator, in the United States, falling on you."  The next morning (Aus. Eastern Time), in Manchester England, twenty-two people, mostly female and children were killed in an explosion detonated by an Islamic suicide bomber, Salmand Abedi.   This name is not a brand name for refrigerators.

Doctors and politically correct diagnostics

On Friday 5.  -  The Public Health Association of Australia's  submission to the Joint Standing Committee on Foreign Affairs   -  The PHAA urges the committee to include the recommendations in its report  which disavows the notion that there is any inherent link between Islam and terror.

On Friday, 26 May, in Egypt, Islamists attacked buses carrying Coptic Christians., killing 29 people, including children.  The Islamist group ISIS claimed responsibility for the massacre.

PHAA is a national organisation comprising about 1900 individual members and representing over 40 professional groups concerned with the promotion of health...
Presumably some of the 1900 members are doctors.  It's to be hoped that their medical diagnoses are more accurate than their political diagnoses.

The infallible Word of God as revealed to Mohammed by the Angel Gabriel, the Koran
The 'Imrans 3;148

"We will put terror into the hearts of the unbelievers.  They serve other deities besides God for Whom He has revealed no sanction.  The Fire shall be their home: dismal indeed is the dwelling of the evil-doers."

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